HUD Final Rule - Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013: Implementation in HUD Housing Programs


This final HUD regulation implements the requirements of the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which applies for all victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation, and which must be applied consistent with all nondiscrimination and fair housing requirements. Specifically, this rule amends HUD’s generally applicable regulations, HUD’s regulations for the public housing and Section 8 programs that already pertain to VAWA, and the regulations of programs newly covered by VAWA 2013. The effective date of the Final Rule is December 16, 2016. Compliance with the rule with respect to completing an emergency transfer plan and providing emergency transfers, and associated recordkeeping and reporting requirements, is required no later than May 15, 2017. Note that the Appendix to the rule includes key forms, a model emergency transfer plan, and a notice of occupancy rights under VAWA.

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