Resources for HUD's Continuum of Care (CoC) Notice of Funding Availability

It is that time of year again - the HUD CoC Program Competition will soon be under way! The resources on this page are designed to provide information for programs and communities interested in applying for funding in the HUD FY2019 CoC NOFA. New resources will continue to be added throughout the CoC Program Competition, so please check back here on a regular basis. 

= web resource    = downloadable file

What You Need to Know:

It is anticipated the FY2019 Program Competition will open around May 1 and will close in late Summer with HUD looking to announce awards in December 2019.

HUD has confirmed there will be another round of $50 million for NEW projects through the DV Bonus (which includes DV Rapid Re-Housing, Joint TH and PH-RRH Component Project and DV Coordinated Entry). 

Projects awarded funding in the FY2018 competition are eligible to apply for renewal funding in FY2019. 

If you are interested in applying for a new DV bonus project, NOW is the time to start talking with your local CoC!

For more information:

Find helpful suggestions on specific next steps victim service providers can take and how to connect with your local CoC here.

More information on the HUD FY2019 CoC NOFA can be accessed here.

Check out frequently asked questions about the DV Bonus Project on the HUD Exchange by clicking here and link to HUD’s Domestic Violence and Homelessness page for additional guidance.

If you have specific questions or would like further technical assistance, please click here. We also encourage you to check out the Safe Housing Partnerships Channel on YouTube for previously recorded webinars on Safe Housing for Survivors.

WEBINAR - How Domestic Violence Programs Can Develop Well-Designed Housing Projects through the HUD Continuum of Care

National Network to End Domestic Violence

This webinar includes information and resources on how local domestic violence providers can create proposals that address the unique, trauma-informed needs of DV survivors. This webinar discusses the importance of participating in your local Continuum of Care and how to develop a well-designed CoC project; provides tips to ensure DV programming as an integral part of your CoC and homeless service continuum; shares examples from effective models of Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Rehousing, and Transitional Housing programs, and the Joint Component Project; and provides updates on the current HUD NOFA process and the forthcoming new DV BONUS $50 million RRH set-aside for victims of DV and a refresher on the Joint Component Model.

WEBINAR - FY18 HUD CoC Program Competition: What Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs Need to Know

National Network to End Domestic Violence

This webinar provides background information on HUD's CoC Program Competition, as well as guidance on strengthening relationships with CoCs and exploring HUD NOFA opportunities. The discussion includes an overview of the FY18 HUD NOFA application including HUD priorities and system performance measures; how DV/SA providers can engage and coordinate with their CoCs; new opportunities and potential changes in the NOFA that could impact DV/SA providers in the application process; and core components for the new Domestic Violence Bonus of the new $50 million Rapid Rehousing set aside for victims and key considerations for DV/SA programs.

FAQ - Coordinated Entry (CE) Process: A Resource for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victim Service Providers

National Alliance for Safe Housing
National Network to End Domestic Violence
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Collaborative Solutions

This FAQ tool has been developed in response to questions the Consortium has received from DV/SA advocates who are interested in learning more about the Homeless Continuum of Care coordinated entry (CE) requirements and process to promote CE access and safe housing options for survivors. The FAQ draws from regulations and other guidance from HUD and USICH and offers strategies and resources for DV/SA providers who want to contribute to the creation and implementation of the CE process in their communities.

Rapid Re-Housing: Considerations for Homeless Service Providers Supporting Families Impacted by Domestic Violence

Kris Billhardt

Rapid Rehousing is a key intervention in our work to end homelessness and an essential tool to support survivors of domestic violence experiencing homelessness. This paper provides guidance to service providers, Continuums of Care, and policy makers to support them in making adaptations to accommodate the unique needs of survivors. 

WEBINAR - Housing First & Rapid Re-Housing for Survivors: Creating and Supporting Safe and Stable Housing

National Alliance for Safe Housing

This webinar examines how housing first and rapid re-housing models can be adapted for domestic and sexual violence survivors. We explore effective approaches employed by a growing number of victim service providers to lower barriers for survivors accessing housing assistance, as well as what we're learning about their impact, particularly in Washington State (WSCADV's DV Housing First).  

Creating Safe Housing Options for Survivors: Learning From and Expanding Research

Cris Sullivan

This research brief provides a brief overview of the current and expanding evidence behind best practices in helping domestic violence survivors obtain safe and stable housing. It begins with evidence for three common core components of this work: mobile advocacy, flexible funding, and attending to safety. It then provides evidence for how services should be provided: survivor-driven, trauma-informed, and voluntary.

Common Ground, Complementary Approaches: Adapting the Housing First Model for Domestic Violence Survivors

Cris Sullivan
Linda Olsen

The Housing First model has been shown to be a highly effective approach to achieving permanent housing for chronically homeless individuals with serious mental illness and chemical dependency. There are numerous components of the model that lend themselves toward achieving similar goals for homeless domestic violence (DV) survivors and their children. A leading cause of homelessness for women, many of whom are mothers, is DV. This article describes the commonalities between the Housing First model and the tenets of DV victim advocacy work and explores how Housing First can be adapted to effectively achieve safe and stable housing for DV survivors and their children. Preliminary evidence for the adapted model – termed Domestic Violence Housing First – is provided, and policy implications are discussed.

Coordinated Entry: Confidentiality Requirements in Practice

National Network to End Domestic Violence

This document provides guidance on coordinated entry (CE) model best practices. The guidance was developed based on feedback from practitioners in the victim services field who are currently participating in HUD Continuums of Care (CoCs) and are in compliance with the confidentiality-related legal requirements of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA). These insights aim to adhere to federal confidentiality requirements that were created to ensure safety by protecting the identities of victims of domestic violence, while simultaneously ensuring that those victims have access to the type of housing they need in their community of choice.

Available in Korean: coordinated entry (CE): 실질적인 기밀 유지 요건

Available in Spanish: Entrada coordinada: Requisitos de confidencialidad en la práctica

Joint Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing: Rapid Re-Housing Component Project for Domestic Violence Survivors Frequently Asked Questions


Domestic violence and sexual assault (DV/SA) service providers have a critical role to play in ending homelessness in their communities. This FAQ document has been developed by the Domestic Violence & Housing Technical Assistance Consortium to respond to questions about the Joint Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing-Rapid Re-Housing Component Project (JCP) and how it can be utilized to expand safe housing options for survivors of DV/SA.

New HUD Joint Component Option Could Help Domestic Violence Survivors

Sharon McDonald
National Alliance to End Homelessness

This blog explains how the recent HUD NOFA - in particular, the "joint component" - provides an opportunity to increase crisis housing capacity for survivors of domestic violence; and provide the help those survivors need to return to housing in the community, when they determine they are ready to do so.

WEBINAR Q&A: FY19 HUD CoC Program Competition: What Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs Need to Know

Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium

This interactive webinar provides background information on HUD’s CoC Program Competition, as well as guidance on strengthening relationships with CoCs, and exploring HUD NOFA opportunities. Discussion includes: 

  • Overview of the FY19 HUD NOFA application including HUD priorities and system performance measures;
  • How DV/SA providers can engage and coordinate with their CoCs; and 
  • Review of core components for the $50 million designated for the Domestic Violence Bonus

Related materials:

  •  Webinar Slides

  •  Webinar Recording

  •  Additional resource from HUD: Applying for DV Bonus Projects During the CoC Program Competition

WEBINAR SLIDES: FY19 HUD CoC Program Competition: What Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs Need to Know

Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium

This interactive webinar provides background information on HUD’s CoC Program Competition, as well as guidance on strengthening relationships with CoCs, and exploring HUD NOFA opportunities. Discussion includes: 

  • Overview of the FY19 HUD NOFA application including HUD priorities and system performance measures;
  • How DV/SA providers can engage and coordinate with their CoCs; and 
  • Review of core components for the $50 million designated for the Domestic Violence Bonus

  •  Webinar Recording

  •  Q&A: Webinar Public Chat

  •  Additional resource from HUD: Applying for DV Bonus Projects During the CoC Program Competition