Consortium TA Team Special Topic Series: Meaningful Incorporation of Survivors & People with Lived Experience

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Survivors and people with lived experience are the driving force in our missions - and should be driving forces in our agencies as well. In this webinar co-moderated by the National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH) and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), we spotlight three programs that have found effective ways to ensure meaningful involvement of survivors and people with lived experience, including in decision-making and political advocacy work. Presenters discuss how they enacted this commitment, the roles and supports available to survivors who get involved, how they center the voices of Black. Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and LGBTQ people, and what they see as the impact of survivor involvement. Join us to hear about the experiences of these three wonderful programs:

Presenting Organizations:

The special topic series is designed to give advocates a chance to learn more about the available housing funding for survivors, ask questions, process issues, and provide mutual support on the impact of the COVID-19 virus in safe housing programs.

Additional Resources: