Helping DV Survivors Achieve Safe & Stable Housing

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Dr. Cris Sullivan, NRCDV’s research advisor for Safe Housing Partnerships, reviews evidence on the efficacy of various housing approaches for survivors of domestic violence, specifically:

  • Flexible funding (enabling survivors to remain securely housed in their current residences)
  • Transitional Housing • Housing First (specifically, the DVHF model adapted for domestic violence survivors)
  • Rapid Rehousing

The effort to achieve long-term safety and housing stability must be supported by more affordable housing and an increase in available housing options to meet diverse needs.

To learn more,  review the growing evidence base for these housing models:

  • Sullivan, C.M. Bomsta, H., & Hacskaylo, M. (2016). Evidence that flexible funding is a promising strategy to prevent homelessness for survivors of intimate partner violence: A longitudinal pilot study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.
  • Bomsta, H., & Sullivan, C.M. (2018). IPV survivor’s perceptions of how a flexible funding housing intervention impacted their children. Journal of Family Violence, Advance online publication.
  • Clark, D., Wood, L., & Sullivan, C.M. (in press). Examining the needs and experiences of domestic violence survivors in transitional housing, Journal of Family Violence.
  • Mbilinyi, L. (2015). The Washington State Domestic Violence Housing First program: Cohort 2 final evaluation report. Seattle, WA: Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
  • Sullivan, C.M., & Bybee, D.I. (1999). Reducing violence using community-based advocacy for women with abusive partners. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67(1), 43-53.
  • Sullivan, C.M., López Zerón, G., Bomsta, H., & Menard, A. (2018). ‘There’s just all these moving parts:’ Helping domestic violence survivors obtain housing. Clinical Social Work Journal, Advance online publication.