Policy & Advocacy in Action Podcast Episode 27: Dismantling Racism and Ableism - Centering the Margins


NRCDV Radio's new podcast show, Policy & Advocacy in Action, brings stories of real advocacy and the impact it has on individuals, communities, and the policy arena. Visit the Policy & Advocacy In Action Blog on VAWnet.org at https://vawnet.org/news/policy-advocacy-action.

Uniting to End Violence Against People with Disabilities is a national Coalition comprised of activists with disabilities as well as disability rights and anti-violence advocates. The work of this Coalition is funded by the NoVo Foundation and led through a partnership between the Vera Institute of Justice and the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV). The first episode of Policy & Advocacy in Action features Renee Lopez, a Coalition member and disability rights activist. She speaks about the importance of centering the voices of people of color with disabilities in the work for social justice and collective liberation.

Access the transcript here.