How Domestic Violence Programs Can Develop Well-Designed Housing Projects: Understanding the Continuum of Care and the HUD NOFA Process

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This webinar includes information and resources on how local domestic violence providers can create proposals that address the unique, trauma-informed needs of DV survivors. Presenters discuss:

  • The importance of participating in your local Continuum of Care;
  • How to develop a well-designed CoC DV housing project;
  • Tips to ensure DV programming as an integral part of your CoC and homeless service continuum;
  • Examples from effective models of Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Rehousing (RRH) and Transitional Housing (TH) programs, and the Joint Component Project (TH/RRH); and
  • Updates on the current HUD NOFA process and the forthcoming new DV BONUS $50 million RRH set aside for victims of domestic violence for DV programs to consider and a refresher on the Joint Component Model