News & Resources

This blog provides access to archived SHP eNewsletters featuring announcements about new resources, training events, and funding opportunities, links to new podcasts from the SHP team, TA Questions on the intersections of gender-based violence and housing, and recordings of past webinars.

Join us to learn about how housing programs serving families are building resilience and navigating the impacts and demands of sheltering in place. Topics include: Handling homeschooling requirements, social distancing, lack of computers and other technology, and limited staff, as well as support

This webinar is designed to provide tools and information for homeless/housing program staff. Topics include DV dynamics, how a survivor's risk analysis factors into decisions about staying or separating, and how staff can navigate their responsibilities to both members of the household with increased safety as the goal.

Members of the Consortium TA team presented on eviction moratoriums in the time of COVID-19 and shared what advocates need to know.

In ordinary times, many victim services programs use hotel and motel stays to stretch capacity, accommodate households who need to opt out of community shelter models, and as a bridge to imminent shelter openings. How can hotel and motel stays be effectively employed during the COVID-19 pandemic? This webinar features presenters from Iowa programs who are using this strategy as part of their pandemic response.

Members of the Consortium TA team, along with special guests, discuss the direct spending bill passed by Congress in response to the coronavirus pandemic -- including the $12 billion in funding for HUD programs.

HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) invited homeless assistance providers and their partners to participate in an Office Hours session to discuss COVID-19 planning and response.

As the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues in the United States, many people are working from home, facing quarantines, and encountering disruptions to their daily activities.

As the coronavirus outbreak reaches pandemic proportions, domestic violence organizations providing training and technical assistance are seeing an increase in requests from community-based shelters across the country for accurate information and guidance on how to plan, prepare, and respond to this emerging public health threat. These select resources offer guidance for domestic violence programs in preparing for and responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

This webinar from NNEDV highlights learnings from the Women of Color Network, Inc. and Center for Survivor Agency and Justice’s report entitled, “Showing Up: How we See, Speak and Disrupt Racial Inequality Facing Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence,” to expand participant’s capacity to connect the dots between racial inequity in the gender-based violence movement and housing.